Code of Ethics
The following shall constitute the code of conduct for all classes of membership of this organization, and each Member shall signify his or her intention and willingness to abide by the same in the manner provided hereinafter. The Member, having been accepted into membership in the Professional Photographers of North Florida (PPNF), does hereby subscribe without reservation to this code of conduct and does solemnly agree that:
a) He or she shall at all times avoid the use of unfair competitive practices as determined by any court of competent jurisdiction, the Federal Antitrust laws and related statutes.
b) He or she shall endeavor to enhance and ennoble the status of the photographic profession by maintaining a dignity of manner in his or her behavior in the presentation of his or her photography and photographic services, in the appearance of his or her establishment or place of business and in all other forms of public interest.
c) He or she shall observe the highest standard of honesty in all his or her transactions, avoiding the use of false titles, confusing or inaccurate technical terms or descriptions and misleading terms and claims.
d) He or she shall show a friendly spirit of cooperation with his or her fellow professional photographers and assist them whenever possible should they be in trouble or difficulty.
e) He or she shall assist and give his or her knowledge to the members of his or her profession and shall encourage them individually and collectively, so that the quality of photography may be constantly raised to higher standards.